Deer pose a serious threat to residents

We need to proceed with the cull before someone or someone’s dog gets injured or killed

Earlier this month my wife and I were driving home when we had to stop on the 100 block of Beach Drive as two very large bucks were rutting on the road and sidewalk. We had to back up and were stopped for over a minute as were vehicles coming from the other direction.

They eventually moved into one of the larger properties on the south side of Beach Drive. One of the bucks had an eye injury – the site was bleeding profusely. Good thing there were no pedestrians present at the time. This is only one of many incidents/encounters we have had with deer in our immediate neighbourhood.

Our back garden is fenced – our only concern is personal safety for pedestrians and dog walkers. We need to proceed with the cull before someone or someone’s dog gets injured or killed and I do not believe that Oak Bay should go this alone. At the very least Saanich should also be involved – the deer are everywhere.

Referring to the letter “Numbers don’t add up,” I believe a much cheaper solution may be available. Hire one or two licensed professional bow/crossbow hunters to eliminate the critters at night when the “Bambi Brigade” is not watching. It would likely be much cheaper and a more humane method to kill the deer.

Steen Jessen

Oak Bay


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