Deer raise concerns

I worry about the deer roaming about Penticton. I have often wondered why they aren’t trapped and moved to an appropriate rural environment — but not kill them. That is cruel and inhumane. I have had as many as seven deer in my front and back yard near the library. I very much enjoy them. On the other hand, I have had racoons attack my dogs and a coyote kill my cat. Yet we are not allowed to do anything about them. As stated in an earlier article in a local newspaper, we are supposed to get used to it.

I worry about the deer roaming about Penticton. I have often wondered why they aren’t trapped and moved to an appropriate rural environment — but not kill them. That is cruel and inhumane. I have had as many as seven deer in my front and back yard near the library. I very much enjoy them. On the other hand, I have had racoons attack my dogs and a coyote kill my cat. Yet we are not allowed to do anything about them. As stated in an earlier article in a local newspaper, we are supposed to get used to it.

As to the cats roaming around town: To require cats to be indoor animals is also cruel. They are nocturnal animals. A stray cat that I have been feeding for five years recently died. I called him Jack, I miss him dearly.

Maureen Blow





Penticton Western News