Defeat Arts and Culture Alternative Approval

I think that putting Arts and Culture on our taxes as a line instead of a grant is a frivolous addition

While I realize that work on the dikes and the Cowichan weir are necessary evils for us beleaguered taxpayers, I think that putting Arts and Culture on our taxes as a line instead of a grant is a frivolous  addition to people who with federal, provincial, and municipal paws forever raiding our anorexic pockets, is just a bit much.

As a resident of Saltair, we voted down the addition of the Chesterfield Sportsplex in the referendum last election day. I suspect that was a bit of a stinging blow for the CVRD, and this AAP is just a way of ramming this frivolous line onto our taxes with very little chance of defeat.

If my wife and I go to the Chemainus Theatre we pay for tickets. This feels a lot like double dipping if I have to pay taxes to also attend. When, oh when, will some level of government listen to the people’s pleas to hold the line on taxes? It seems they all promise to when they want to be elected.

To the residents of the CVRD I plead, please go to the CVRD office, or go online, print out the form, sign it and put an end to this abuse of power on behalf of special interest groups. Remember, once it is a line on your taxes, it is there forever, and it has only one direction to go…UP!


Gord McAulay


Cowichan Valley Citizen