Delay might be disastrous


Re: Train-trestle replacement still awaits, Jan. 16.


Re: Train-trestle replacement still awaits, Jan. 16.

Interesting how pretty much every time there is a story in the news about replacement of the Little Campbell River bridge in South Surrey, the same comment appears: “BNSF is still negotiating with the Semiahmoo First Nation for access.”

As the story states, this bridge has been earmarked for replacement since 2011.

What seems to be the problem with the Semiahmoo band? Are they going to continue to hold this project up until the bridge fails and there is a disaster?

Surely they are aware of the danger if the bridge were to collapse under the weight of a freight train loaded with dangerous goods?

And why does band councillor Joanne Charles not respond to Peace Arch News’ request for comment?

Continuing delays in undertaking the necessary repairs are putting at risk the band’s people and property but also those of White Rock and South Surrey, to say nothing of the environmental harm that would ensue from such a disaster.

It’s time to stop stalling and get on with the repairs.

Don Campbell, Surrey



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