Delay to withdraw HST producing questionable tax revenue

Reader wants to hear progress report on switch back to GST/PST

The citizens of British Columbia voted and ultimately rejected the harmonized sales tax on Aug. 26, 2011. The provincial Liberal government, under our former premier, failed miserably in introducing this new tax, thus creating much animosity in the eyes of the majority of taxpayers.

Since the Liberals have promised to rescind this tax in accordance with the wishes of the citizens of B.C., don’t you think we deserve to receive periodic reports from our government as to the status of the withdrawal of this tax.

What’s taking so long and why do we have to wait until May 2013 to get results? Meanwhile, the provincial coffers are being replenished with questionable tax revenue which has been rejected by the majority of our citizens.

As a retired fixed-income senior, I am beginning to resent having to patiently sit back and wait for another Liberal promise to materialize.

Martin L. Battle


Victoria News