Demand a driving retest, Comox Valley senior

Dear editor,

Re: E. Wiegerinck's letter to the editor (Record, May 28).

Dear editor,

Re: E. Wiegerinck’s letter to the editor (Record, May 28).

The test isn’t fair if he or she was not allowed to use their own car. I think seniors should be able to drive in their own familiar neighbourhoods for their tests, too.

A lot of seniors do their daily driving routine just fine and should be tested on that. Can they not issue them a licence for a certain jurisdiction rather than taking away their licences completely? Taking their license away is taking their freedom and independence too and should not be taken lightly.

Come on, who are the real menaces on the road? Not them.

Demand a retest, E. Wiegerinck.

Jaye Mathieu,



Comox Valley Record