Democracy not well served by CSRD decision

We are residents of Blind Bay and are sending this to urge the CSRD directors to reconsider the vote on the Blind Bay Resort application

We are residents of Blind Bay and are sending this to urge the CSRD directors to reconsider the vote on the Blind Bay Resort application.

I can only express my disappointment at the total disregard for democratic due process. I feel the directors that voted against this application, were misinformed.

A statement of mooring houseboats on the resort’s dock, as well as a gas island, made by a director that voted against the application, was not only misleading, it had no truth to it.

These issues were discussed in detail at the last public meeting held by on Dec. 5.

Chairperson David Raven denied Dan Baskill the chance to clarify this wrong information.

When the directors were voting on the previous application put forward by Loni Parker, David Raven had no problem hearing clarification on points in that application. This can only be seen as discrimination and bias on his part.

Other remarks such as the ratio for or against the project being 50/50 was wrong. I was present at the meeting and agree with Paul Demenok, it was more like 66/34.

I would like to think that in a democratic society, the majority rules.

When I see these issues that deal with one area, being Blind Bay, how can a person from Revelstoke vote against an application that distance away without attending the public hearing and not visiting the property in question make an informed decision.

I would like to think that the other directors would vote for the project to support our director Paul Demenok’s decision, as he knows the area, is the director in this area elected to Area C to represent the people in this district.

I can only hope that with a reconsideration of the vote, this undemocratic mistake can be corrected.

Larry and Ellie McGillivray


Salmon Arm Observer