Democracy taking a beating in Ottawa

Dear editor,
MP John Duncan's local constituency office has informed me that he reads all the correspondence sent to your office.

Dear editor,MP John Duncan’s local constituency office has informed me that he reads all the correspondence sent to your office.He may be too busy to read the comments of a major observer of Canada and Canadian politics, so I sent him a copy of the May 7 Globe and Mail editorial (Ottawa should halt its campaign against pipeline detractors).Mr. Duncan may recall that I once mentioned to him that I am embarrassed by our prime minister.The tactics derided by this venerable newspaper, coupled with the over-the-top insult to our intelligence in the budget omnibus bill; the use of closure to stifle legitimate debate; and in-camera committee meetings to quash open reviews of the business of Parliament, is cause for all democracy-loving people to be embarrassed for and alarmed about the state of our democracy.This disrespect of our Parliament by the people elected to manage and uphold our parliamentary affairs is an affront to me and the citizenry of Canada.I find it hard to believe that Mr. Duncan expected this to be the state of affairs of our government when he first set out to make a difference for his country by standing for election.I suggest to him that a re-examining of his complicit support of these tactics should not be considered unpatriotic or disloyal but rather the honourable thing to do on behalf of returning our Parliament to the democratic state where all of the people’s representatives are able to do the job we elected them to do.Please remember, over 60 per cent of Canadian voters did not vote Conservative.Mel McLachlan,Comox

Comox Valley Record