Denman Islanders have no stake in sewer

Stay in charge of your own destiny, vote no and save your hard earned money.

Dear editor,

I was so surprised to see a resident from Denman Island giving advice as to how we, homeowners in Area A, have to vote on June 18.

Easy for her to talk, as she does not have to pay a $ 2,000 tax bill for the next 30 years.

If the proposed SS Plan becomes reality, they are going to ruin all of the foreshore by laying sewer pipes right in Baynes Sound.

How eco-friendly is that? Most homes on the water’s edge in Union Bay and Kilmarnock are below the road and for that matter they propose to put the sewer and septic pipes below the high-water mark, in Baynes Sound.

But if we pump all the sewage past Cape Lazo into the Strait of Georgia, it is OK with her as long as we pay for it.

Residents of Union Bay to Royston that are eligible to vote should vote NO on June 18 if they want to remain in charge of their own property.  Absolutely important for everyone to note, is that if you defer the payments there basically will be a lien on your property growing to about $60,000.

And, hooking up will be mandatory as well as mandatory decommissioning of your existing septic. Please remind me which country we live in?  Guess who foots the bill for that?

Voting yes would be insane. Stay in charge of your own destiny, vote NO and save your hard earned money.

SA vanHoof

Union Bay

Comox Valley Record