DONALD Trump appeals to working class, says letter writer.

DONALD Trump appeals to working class, says letter writer.

‘Deplorables’? Not very likely

Terrace, B.C. writer says Donald Trump is the hope of the working class

Dear Sir:

In watching TV this past few weeks, with all the so-called experts giving their take on why Hillary Clinton lost the American presidential election, it was very obvious to me that they just don’t get it.

Working class people have been losing their jobs and watching them go to other countries. They are scared for their future.

They saw Donald Trump as their only hope that this trend would end and the jobs would start to come back.

They looked past Trump’s faults because for them, being able to have a job and support their families was the most important issue.

People that have never had to worry about where their next pay cheque was coming from may not understand just how scared these people are.

The day Hillary Clinton called these working class people ‘the deplorables” was the day it was all over for her.

In that one short phrase she self-destructed and ended any chance of becoming president.

Working class people are the backbone of any country and deserve the complete respect of us all.

“Deplorables” they are not.

Brian Mould,

Kitwanga, B.C.






Terrace Standard