Details of an outstanding career corrected

Dave Esworthy corrects a few points about his career in the equestrian world.

Editor: First, let me congratulate editor Jim McGregor and all the contributors for the interesting and informative publication, Living 60 Plus. I trust that this will only be the first of many more in the future.

I am honoured to be the subject of the biographical article that Mel Kositsky wrote about me.  There are, however, some inaccuracies that I must correct.

Taking it in the order they appear, while I am no longer riding or officiating, it is incorrect to say that I am “no longer active in the horse industry,” as there are many aspects that I am involved in.  The statement that “Esworthy has dedicated his life to equestrian activities in British Columbia, Canada, and internationally” should be clarified to something like “under the auspices of HCBC, Equine Canada (formerly the CEF) and the Federation Equeste Internationale (FEI)”

The article says “he was forced to retire from horse show judging” which is also a bit misleading. It is only the FEI which has an age limit. It is true that I remained an international judge, with the extensions I was given, until I was 75.  Subsequently,  I remained an active national judge.

I must also correct some of the statements regarding my involvements. I have never served as a member of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University board. I did chair the Kwantlen Equa-Advisory Committee and served as a director of the Vancouver Board of Trade. Nor was I ever chair of the Vancouver Richmond Regional Health Board, although I was a member throughout its tenure.

There is also a typographical error in the last paragraph which gives an entirely wrong impression of what I said.  Where the article quotes me as saying that Langley has that small “time” feeling, it should read that there is a comfortable small “town” feeling.

Again, I thank you for the honour of being in the publication and trust that these corrections will serve to clarify a few of my involvements.

David Esworthy,


Editor’s note — The profile of Mr. Esworthy, who will be inducted to the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame in September, appeared in The Living 60 Plus publication, distributed in some issues of the May 8 Times. An e-edition of the publication can be found on The Times’ website. The Times regrets the errors.

Langley Times