Developer pledges openness

I am writing on behalf of my family, to express our appreciation for the members of our local Advisory Planning Commission (APC), the CSRD…

Regarding the Blind Bay Resort Development application.

I am writing on behalf of my family, to express our heartfelt appreciation for the members of our local Advisory Planning Commission (APC), the CSRD, and the many residents who attended Tuesday night’s APC meeting here in Blind Bay.

Six years ago, I sat before this same group with our initial development proposal for our beach front and moorage, and was soundly spanked and sent on my way.

I don’t think I will ever forget that experience, and driving up to a packed parking lot 20 minutes before the appointed time proved to be intimidating once again.  Imagine my surprise to find that many of those who came did so to express their support of our family and our proposal, of their own volition.  The meeting was conducted with the highest degree of professionalism, with valid questions being asked of me, and I was afforded the privilege of speaking our heart before so many who perhaps are still grasping the intent of our proposal. At the end, the committee members voted in favour of moving us along the process, and we anticipate our day before the public in a formal hearing in the near future!

Thank you, friends, for encouraging us.  Bonnie and I have renewed energy to follow this through, to finish what we started, and to bind our family roots to the many fine people who call this area home.

I will continue to post all rezone information on our web site, at, and will take the comments shared at this important meeting – both for and against, to heart, as we continue to move ahead.

Dan Baskill


Salmon Arm Observer