Development to create traffic congestion

I am writing this opinion piece not out of nimbyism but out of a layman’s common sense.

I am writing this opinion piece not out of nimbyism but out of a layman’s common sense.

I live on Maple Bay Road and have been paying attention to what is going on with the development plans or lack of in the area. Firstly, there are 1,700 lots to be developed on the ex-golf course properties, then there is the proposed Donnay Drive of 39 residential units. Multiplying by 1.5 vehicles per unit, which I feel is an appropriate number of vehicles per household. We have an additional 2,600 vehicles using one main artery to the highway, congesting not only Maple Bay Road but Jaynes, Beverly and Coronation roads.

In an age of trying to go green we are killing a lake, creating air pollution far worse than wood stoves and ruining the peace and quiet of existing neighborhoods.

I am not sure if the municipality has a planner or if we are just run by developers but in my layman’s opinion, we should stop and take good hard look at what is transpiring and plan properly for the future, not the hodgepodge build and get out attitude that is taking place now. It will only get worse, as I am sure there are other properties and developers waiting in the wings.



Larry Holloway


Maple Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen