Did you notice?

Museum preparing for anniversary and updating on activities

Did you notice that our Museum has a new paint job? Just in time for our anniversary!

Did you notice our new sign out front? Just in time for our anniversary!

Did you notice our “Glimpse of History” articles in the Observer? In honour of our anniversary!

May has been a very productive month around the museum. Besides the paint job and the new signs, we had a very successful Book Sale! I’m not certain, but I believe we had more books donated this year than ever before! The variety and the quality of items donated was superb! The sale attracted locals and tourists alike!

Our Barn Board Sale was worthwhile as well. Barn Boards are still available. Just contact Peter Walsh @ 250-747-3547 if you are in need of any size of weathered barn boards.

The Friends of the Museum would like to thank all who supported the sale, either by donating and/or buying books. If you missed out on the sale, check out the Lions’ monthly sale at Maple Park Mall. The left-overs were donated to the Lions’ Club for their fund-raising projects.

Among all those books, we were unable to find any “Tribute to the Past”.

If you have one with which you would be willing to part, please drop it off at the Museum.

Our Museum manager is busy compiling a collection of posters, pictures and artifacts to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Billy Barker Days. Parade is the focus of the display and it will highlight 40 years worth of memories of that event. Watch for that in

the days leading up to the big event in July.

Speaking of history, this last weekend, District 5040 of Rotary held its District Conference in Quesnel. Rotary is celebrating 100 years of Service in British Columbia.

The 250 people who attended were treated to a power point presentation of all the things that Rotary in B.C. has accomplished over the last 100 years. Very impressive! As you may or may not know, Rotary is an international organization dedicated to improving the lot of others throughout the world.

One such project is Polio Plus. The goal is to eradicate polio by providing the polio vaccine to every child, in every country. At this point in time, there are only three countries which have not completely eradicated the disease.

Rotary intends to make polio history!

The theme for the Conference was “Striking Gold,” a very apropos phrase for the Cariboo. The Museum provided artifacts for the display for the gala and the Antique Machinery Park brought in a wonderful assortment of mining and ranching authentic items. Rotarians from around the province were quite impressed with what Quesnel had to offer. We also had many visit the Museum and they were suitably impressed.

Hope to see you as you “Pass time” at the Museum.

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.                 – Lin Yutang

Honey Affleck is chair of the Museum Commission and regular Observer contributor.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer