Difference of five years


Strangest thing happened Monday. Doubtful anyone would believe me if they weren’t there to witness it themselves.


Strangest thing happened Monday.

Doubtful anyone would believe me if they weren’t there to witness it themselves. It was surreal, like a UFO sighting, or a day with no parking or dog complaints in White Rock.

Monday night, there was a public hearing for a highrise proposal. It brought out a predictable cast of local politicos, including Jean Kromm and Margaret Woods.

It was like a reunion, of sorts.

But this is the crazy part. I, a past councillor, spoke in opposition; and all the people who have, over many years, angrily argued against tall buildings and passionately defended trees, they were all arguing in favour of a 12-storey building – replacing mature trees… on a quiet street… outside the town centre!

Mind. Blown.

Isn’t it amazing how things can change in five years? In the 2008 election, city council was swept with candidates plumped by Citizens for Positive Renewal. Their tenets were opposition to buildings over four storeys, conservation of trees and preservation of the OCP.

Kromm was a driving force within that political machine. But Monday night, Kromm said saplings can be planted in place of wayward giants. And, she argued that walking paths in the neighbourhood are already disjointed, so what’s the difference if this project makes it worse?

All the OCP=bible, highrises=heresy disciples were reading the stereotypical ‘greedy developer’ script as their own.

Woods implied that, nevermind her past allergies to precedent, this project is an exception, which should be approved. Coincidently, a surprising number of people who supported her election campaigns own a piece of the property, poised to cash in by selling to the developer.

In their vitriolic attacks against me in the past, they insinuated developers were buying my support. I was offended by their cynicism. Isn’t it amazing how things change when it’s one of their own whose property is being developed?

I guess everyone does have a price.

Matt Todd, White Rock



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