Difference of opinion fosters success

A lack of communication is the most deadly social disease

Congratulations!! Your lead editorial last week started the process of destroying the virus.

The virus is not any one person, or any group of people. The virus will effectively destroy a marriage, a family, a business, a council or a church. The virus is a lack of communication. It is the most deadly social disease that I have encountered.

The town of Hope is very important to a lot of people. I have had a very close involvement with the town of Hope over a number of decades. A couple of examples: I was on the Chamber of Commerce and was also chair of the hospital board in the days when Victoria allowed a local hospital board to exist.

Hope has a very enviable geographic location. Lets make sure that we take advantage of this for the majority of people. So lets open up the dialogue, remembering that the objective is service to the people, generally, and not anyone specifically.

In regards to the placement of a bumper sticker on a vehicle without permission, I would suggest that it is very much a childish act that should not be tolerated. But to call it vandalism very much trivializes the real meaning of vandalism.

So hopefully through all of this we shall stick to the objective of value added to the community and begin to recognize that a difference of opinion is not the problem but is actually the solution.

I have learned that just as in a marriage a difference of opinion on the board is what brings about success.

So here’s to success by honoring that seven letter word: respect.

Lloyd Forman,

Boston Bar

Hope Standard