Differences between politicians is evident in their biographies

Langford reader compares notes with former MLA-turned author

In November of 2002, I attended Judy Tyabji’s book signing of her story on former BC Premier Glen Clark. I still have that autographed copy of Dagger’s Unsheathed, which I enjoyed reading.

I have recently enjoyed reading all 351 pages of Judy’s Tyabji’s latest book, regarding our current premier, who is no relation to Glen Clark. Love her, hate her, I strongly believe that Christy Clark: Behind the Smile is a must-read for British Columbians especially those eligible and planning to vote in May’s election.

The B.C. NDP and many others underestimated Clark in the 2013 election, including myself, I must admit. We would be making a big mistake if we do so in this year’s election, and this time I will not be surprised if she wins big on election night.

When Clark first became our second female premier, I thought she was just Gordon Campbell in a skirt; a kinder, softer Gordon Campbell. Tyabji, who has known Clark since the early or mid 80’s, opened my eyes with her book and showed me just how dead wrong I was.

The difference between Clark and her predecessor is night and day.

Campbell was a Non Partisan Association mayor of Vancouver and not even interested in being a Liberal Party member until they were in official opposition and a leadership position opened up.

Clark, on the other hand, was involved from an early age, volunteering for her dad’s campaigns. Clark, Todd Stone and another young Liberal worked their butts off recruiting candidates for a full slate of 75 in 1991, which was a prerequisite for Gordon Wilson to be included in the televised leaders debate.

According to Tyabji, Clark is a hands-off premier, where as Campbell was the opposite, a control freak who always felt he was the smartest one at the cabinet table and in the room.

Clark has raised minimum wage and ensured it will never be frozen again and allowed people on income assistance to keep more earned money, without the clawbacks that the NDP government allowed in the 90’s.

Does she deserve to be elected to another term on May 9? I will leave that up to the voters rather than recommend one way or another. But if you are eligible and able to vote but chose not to, then don’t complain afterwards.

Andre Mollon



Goldstream News Gazette