Different year, same water problems

Dear editor,

It’s hard to believe that after the month-long boil water advisory last year that we could be facing the same problem again.

Did no one in authority pay attention to the reason for the problem?

Lousy logging practices. Did all our bureaucrats and elected representatives bury their collective heads in the sand? No one has given any indication that anything was done to address this issue. The only movement by the bureaucracy has been to blow $400,000 on a water study. Who is going to pay for all the bottled water for the hotels and restaurants and other businesses? If I were one of those businesses I would send the bill directly to the regional district. So why are the people in charge so dead set against the obvious solution; a deep water intake into Comox Lake. It would solve a host of problems. I have it on good authority that below a certain depth there would be no turbidity issues. Also because we have so much water we would not have to have draconian water restrictions.

What we the residents use in an entire year, when the rains come, BC Hydro flushes down the river in a day. Why are we not saving all this extra water in some sort of reservoir?

The questions just keep mounting up and we keep being screwed. It’s time the establishment gave us some answers.

R. McCulloch

Area B


Comox Valley Record