Dig of the spurs: Curb chaos along 180 Street in Cloverdale

In this edition of Tip of the Hat, Dig of the Spurs, a parent sounds off on new curb bulges that have created gridlock outside a school.

Parents are fuming about new curbs that were installed this summer along 180 Street – directly in front of Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary. It’s a back-to-school welcome nobody wanted, according to Julie Wester, who says she and other parents are united in their annoyance.

The new curbs are traffic-calming bulges designed to slow traffic down and boost pedestrian safety.

But they’re possibly working too well, according the Wester.

“These so-called improvements effectively narrow the traffic flow by 50 per cent and totally constrict the traffic so that it backs up onto 64th and 60th Avenues, impeding the morning traffic commute,” she told the Reporter last week.

The curbs are creating traffic gridlock on a route that’s already a squeeze at drop-off times before and after school.

With student enrolment climbing to more than 2,000 this school year, Wester says the school is already “notoriously overcrowded.”

The traffic turmoil is the last thing parents need as they finally send their teenagers back to school, she said.

“These curbs were probably installed in the name of safety, where there are no actual concerns,” she fumed. “[It’s] Total inconvenience and traffic mayhem!”

Cloverdale Reporter