Dire predictions

There will soon come a time when most may wish they had never heard the name Stephen Harper, let alone voted for him.

There will soon come a time when most may wish they had never heard the name Stephen Harper, let alone voted for him.

He has a majority government even though 60 per cent of the electorate voted against him.

He plans to get ‘tough on crime’ even though the crime rate is down.

He plans to build a lot of prisons without more judges, so the only way that will work is to bring in compulsory minimum sentencing like our U.S. neighbour, where you are sent to prison without trial for misdemeanors. Maybe even vagrancy will qualify, if so you’d better hope you don’t lose your job! These prisons will of course be private work (slave) prisons, otherwise how can they be paid for?

Also, Harper’s new ‘health police’ are trained and ready to go. Their job is to remove all of those nasty natural health products that aren’t government (pharmaceutical) approved.

Will alternative healing methods be outlawed too?

I wonder if they will eventually outlaw the humble dandelion? Mine are organic; I eat them and the leaves regularly. A most beneficial herb that we are pressured to eradicate by ‘big pharmaceuticals’ cousins, the pesticide peddlers.

The U.S. imprisons more citizens than any other country in the world – will we soon be number two? You betcha, if the ‘Stephen Harper government’ has its way.

Gary Huntbatch

Abbotsford News