Director provides progress report

In this month’s article I’d like to provide updates on some key Area C projects as follows:

In this month’s article I’d like to provide updates on some key Area C projects as follows:

Area C Parks Master Plan

The consultant has been selected and at the last planning session, the Parks Commission suggested that the public consultation meetings to be conducted as part of this planning process be held in September so as to maximize attendance and participation. These sessions will be advertised in our local papers, so please look for the ads and plan to attend.

Tourism Information Kiosks

The contractor has been selected, along with the sites. We are hoping the kiosks will be up by mid-July.

These kiosks will serve multiple uses; for example, the kiosks installed in CSRD parks will include “sounding boards” for residents to note their opinions in regards to Area C Parks Plan.

The kiosks will also include maps and other tourism information designed to enhance the visitor experience. The South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce is managing this project, and our thanks go to Karen Brown and Mark Lane for their leadership.

Area C Governance Review Study

The consultant for this study has been selected and the governance review study committee members have been approved by the CSRD Board. An internal planning session will be held in the near future with the committee, staff and consultants to review the public consultation process. It’s anticipated that this study will take about a year to complete. The study consists of three elements:

• To document and assess the current state of governance and service delivery in the South Shuswap;

• To clearly understand the concerns and interests of residents regarding governance and delivery of services;

• To identify future governance and service delivery options in Area C. When our scheduling is completed, I will communicate the plan for community consultation in a future article.

Liquid Waste Management Plan

Over the past several years, CSRD staff and consultants have worked on developing an updated liquid waste management plan that would result in a less expensive, phased-in approach, which would have a greater likelihood of winning the necessary federal and provincial grants.

This has been a rather frustrating process as we have encountered a number of barriers that have rendered several promising options as being unworkable. This project remains a high priority for Area C, and we are endeavouring to have a grant submission ready for the next application window.

Sunnybrae Water Works

Bylaw 5713 which creates and defines the Sunnybrae water service area was adopted at the June CSRD Board meeting. The system upgrades, which are 100 per cent funded up to $1.7 million under the General Strategic Priorities Fund, have begun, including initial survey work, permit applications and approvals, and detailed design.

It is hoped that a new intake will be installed this fall, with the remaining work completed in the spring and summer of 2017.

-Paul Demenok is the Area C Director for the Columbia Shuswap Regional District



Salmon Arm Observer