Directors blamed as train plan derailed

Regional district directors voted no confidence in the Island Corridor Foundation’s ability to bring back passenger rail service.

To the Editor,

Re: Regional district lacks confidence in rail foundation, April 10.

This fall’s municipal election cannot come soon enough. Half of Nanaimo council needs to be thrown out of office.

By a vote of 12-4, regional district directors voted no confidence in the Island Corridor Foundation’s ability to bring back passenger rail service. But the directors voting against the motion were Nanaimo council members who wanted to defer the move because it doesn’t seem particularly businesslike.

To me, it seems totally appropriate and makes total business sense. For too long, $1 million of district money has sat idle in the kitty awaiting transfer to the ICF, once Via Rail signs a deal to bring back a train. But time keeps going by. The dayliner has not run since early 2011.

I would suggest business courses for the majority of Nanaimo council to learn how to wisely watch our money, but instead I choose a non-confidence motion in their abilities and will be making my vote heard during the November municipal election.

R.C. StearmanNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: Regional district lacks confidence in rail foundation, April 10.

Lost confidence? Yes, I’ve lost confidence, but not in the Island Corridor Foundation. I’ve lost confidence in the directors who voted not to support the ICF in its attempt to bring back passenger service to the Island. What have these Nanaimo city councillors done to support passenger rail service?

The ICF lobbied the federal and provincial government for $30 million to begin track repairs. It’s not the ICF’s fault Via Rail has refused to present a plan for passenger service because it would interfere with its control of the rail.

The Island train is our heritage, as well as the most efficient and environmentally friendly way of moving goods and services on land. We should be doing what we can to support the ICF, including giving Via notice it is no longer welcome here.

Now city councillors have added their voices to retarding the project, risking losing the money, while even poor nations expand rail services. Short sighted in the extreme.

Janette BriereGabriola Island

Nanaimo News Bulletin