Directors need to protect river

This letter is in response to the article entitled, Divisions abound over Shuswap River ban.

This letter is in response to the article entitled, Divisions abound over Shuswap River ban.

I believe this issue demonstrates once again that the people elected to represent us at the Regional District of North Okanagan are not fulfilling their responsibilities.

Why have directors if all they do is sit on the fence any time a controversial issue is raised? RDNO staff could very well set up committees and run surveys themselves.

Just think how different things could be if our directors used intelligence, initiative and abilities to analyze the impacts of banning motor boats on Shuswap River, and then communicate the results of their analysis to their constituents, instead of doing nothing.

Decisions could then be made based on the effects motor boats have on the river itself instead of whether or not people like them.

In certain areas of the river, it is clear that motor boats destroy bank stability, wipe out aquatic bird nests, disrupt aquatic animals, destroy fish habitat, and greatly endanger swimmers, kayakers, tubers and canoeists.  Yet at the moment, if 51 per cent voted to have motor boats, directors would go against restrictions, saying it is the will of the people, instead of protecting one of the cleanest salmon rivers in B.C.?

This is not a new issue. Shuswap River groups have been asking for restrictions for more than 20 years.

Please directors, wake up, smell the fish and do your job. Protect the river while it’s still time.

Huguette Allen


Salmon Arm Observer