Directors represent region

Saanich’s mayor seems to have stepped into a hornets’ nest when he met with the FGCA to discuss some aspects of the regional sewage project

Saanich’s mayor seems to have stepped into a hornets’ nest when he met with the FGCA to discuss some aspects of the regional sewage project. Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps is reported to have characterized his actions as “completely inappropriate…beyond ridiculous”. A Fairfield resident is quoted as saying “Like he doesn’t have enough work to do in his own constituency?”

Just a thought on all of this, perhaps an inconvenient thought.

Mayor Atwell is a director of the CRD as well as being mayor of Saanich. In the latter role dotted lines matter, but in the former surely he is obliged to work across Greater Victoria in the interests of all 368,000 residents. This is particularly true for a regional project as important as sewage treatment.

Mayor Atwell was acting as a director of the CRD with a regional mandate. For some to feel his actions were without merit is to suggest that there is no regional view or accountability at the CRD board. Which of these options would be worse for this almost perfect place?

John Treleaven

Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Greater Victoria


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