Disability rates lead to reduced standard of living

Once we factor in the loss of the transportation subsidy, we are actually only receiving an $11 per month raise.

To the Editor,

Re: B.C. minister should reinstate disability bus pass for all, Letters, June 21.

When the news first came, I thought that 20,000 British Columbians losing the special transportation subsidy was my biggest concern. We received this subsidy because multiple disabilities made it impossible for us to use public transportation. The government withdrew the transportation subsidy paid annually and said our new ‘raise’ of $77 per month would offset the loss. Once we factor in the loss of the transportation subsidy, we are actually only receiving an $11 per month raise. The first one in almost a decade.

For those of us who live in low-income housing, whether or not the ‘raise’ will result in increased rent, which is based on income, is yet to be determined. If rent increases as a result of the ‘raise’ it will be a $19 a month deduction instead.

We cannot afford to eat some days, let alone purchase the healthy foods diabetics need. Many of us are living without hope in what can only be called ‘government-legislated malnutrition.’

I hope the low rates for people with disabilities will become an important issue in the next election.

Hugh BakerNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin