Disappearance of recycling bins not helping the cause

Dear editor,

Is the Comox Valley cutting out the recycling program?

Dear editor,

Is the Comox Valley cutting out the recycling program?

The second-last recycle bins, at Zellers, have now been removed.

I put out one small bag of garbage per week. I have five recycle containers that I fill once a week. One week I take them to Zellers, the next week they are collected by the City.

I do not have the room to collect 10 containers of recycle and wait two weeks for the City to collect them.

If the City collected recycle every week and trash every second week, there would be no added costs to the City.

It seems people do not know the difference between cardboard and boxboard. A small advertising campaign informing people to recycle toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, cigarette packages, etc. would be cheaper than expanding landfill.

Kenneth Rigby,

Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record