Discussion to teach about Islam

Letter to the Editor by Sandra Holmes - Discussion to teach about Islam

To the Editor,

Thank you to the Times and to the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce for organizing the all candidates forum on Thursday, Sept. 24. Nothing is more important when seeking information than an opportunity to meet and speak to people in a comfortable and respectful place.

Of the wide variety of issues that were discussed the one issue that made me most aware of the power of media coverage was the question regarding immigration and the fear that humanitarian acts will leave our country open to mayhem and destruction.

I find it sad that there is such a climate of suspicion and mistrust in our country with regards to immigrants. Unless we are of First Nations background, we are all the descendants of immigrants from a wide variety of countries.

In the spirit of education and better understanding of different cultures, Trinity Shared Ministry (formerly Clearwater United Church) has invited Imam Mazhar from Kamloops to share in a discussion entitled “What Do We As Christians Need to Understand About Muslims”.

This event will be held at Dutch Lake Community Centre at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8.

It is our intent to give our community an opportunity to learn first-hand about a culture that is largely known to us only through media coverage of tragic world events. All are welcome to come and learn.

Sandra Holmes

Clearwater, B.C.

Barriere Star Journal