Disgusted by mess left at Hope Cinema

In a town where businesses work darn hard to stay open for us, the very least we can do is show respect

My husband and I went to the Hope Cinema on Feb. 14 with our 10-year-old grandson.

He got in line along with many others for popcorn, candy bars and soft drinks. I watched as people arrived to their seats armed with their snacks to sit like me and enjoy an evening at the movies. I thought to myself how lucky we are to still have a nice cinema for our enjoyment.

The show ended and as soon as the lights came on, I saw my young grandson put his candy wrapper into the popcorn bag and stuff both into the now empty pop container ready to drop into the garbage on his way out. Good boy I thought. I didn’t verbalize that, simply because that is the behaviour I would expect.

So imagine my shock, then disgust, at the utter mess all over that cinema that met my eyes as I made my way out from people who obviously have little respect for the property of others.

Do these people act like this in their own homes? Would they appreciate having trash left on their properties? There is absolutely no excuse for such behaviour.

In a town where businesses work darn hard to stay open for us, the very least we can do is show respect. Come on people, get it together. You make a mess, do the decent thing – clean it up.

To my 10-year-old grandson, thank you!

Carol Williams

Hope Standard