PRO-LIFE signs held by Terrace, B.C. residents while standing across the road from Mills Memorial Hospital.

PRO-LIFE signs held by Terrace, B.C. residents while standing across the road from Mills Memorial Hospital.

Dismayed at info for photo

Writer disagrees with wording of photo caption in recent issue of the Terrace Standard.

Dear Sir:

I was dismayed to see read the description below the photo of a couple of anti-choice protestors on page A13 of the April 5, 2017 edition of The Terrace Standard.

The protestors have a right to their opinion and I can understand the paper publishing a photo of the protestors. What disturbs me is the comment at the end of the photo description “Drop-ins welcome.” Are you advertising for this group?

That last phrase leads me to believe the paper is promoting their cause: a cause which diminishes the rights of women. Like the majority of Canadians, I support safe and accessible abortion without stigma and discrimination.

Alisa Thompson,

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard