Displaced medicinal grows would move to residential areas

Chamber of commerce appeared before council asking for medicinal grows to be moved from certain areas

Editor, The Record:

Re: Council pushes to keep medicinal grows out of industrial zones, Nov. 8 edition.

Is NIMBYism rearing its ugly head in Mission again?

The chamber of commerce appeared as a delegation to council asking for something to be done about medicinal grow ops locating in areas where its members have businesses, as these grow ops are perceived as being negative.

Council is moving forward to carry out the chamber’s bidding. If successful, these grow ops will have to move to a residential neighbourhood where families with children will be at risk of all the negative things that are synonymous with grow ops, such as fires, grow rips, guard dogs, foul odours, etc.

Yes, the chamber is carrying out its mandate by supporting its members. My question is, who is looking out for the safety and well being of the residential taxpayers who pay 75 per cent of the taxes to keep this town afloat? According to the council vote on the subject, only Councillor Nelson Tilbury appears concerned for the residential taxpayer.

Who is running this town anyway? Is it the chamber of commerce that also directed council to create a new public relations position?

Residents of Mission beware, there could be a grow op relocating to your neighbourhood soon.

T.B. Mortimer


Mission City Record