Dissolving Elders group will have consequences

Hereditary Chief Chapman-Maquire speaks out about Coqualeetza closure

Dissolve the Coqualeetza Elder Group? An annual allotment of $4,000?

Why some of our chiefs and band administrators receive twice that amount per month.

My question and I’m sure every hardworking tax payer would insist on knowing, how can he or she justify that massive salary, when the average wage is $40,000 to $50,000 per year?

There is very few chiefs that deserve even half that amount. Most have staff htat do all the work, while he or she travel to pricey destinations, such as Scottsdale, AZ, Princeville Kauai, HI and the list gone on.

Arizona is open to giving out their information on individuals.

Why should the be reason for dissolving the most important group of elders in our country life myself.

This letter is by me, Anna Chapman-Maguire, Hereditary Chief since 1976 — I haven’t signed away title. I’m alive and well. I’m not paid.

I feel in good conscience the chiefs have to show some backbone and see to it that all programs involving elders, children and the very ill members, be protected.

And stop the greed and corruption and start being a hands-on-leader instead of feathering your nests and lining your pockets.

Some of us live in appalling conditions, while you travel another road, you’ve forgotten where you come from. Money decides whom in family, who can be bought, whom is easily intimidated.

To dissolve the Coqualeetza Elder Group will be the biggest wrong ever done to a Sto:lo Elder.

There will be consequences and who ever made such a decision will have to accept the results of their actions.

Hereditary Chief

Anna Chapman-Maguire

Agassiz Observer