District of Mission can clean up after itself

Keeping drains cleared of wet, sandy snow a large physical task

Editor, The Record:

I wanted to voice my displeasure at the way the roads are cleared during snow storms.

I realize it is a big job and responsibility to keep them cleared for emergency vehicles, etc. However, when a person shovels out their driveway only to have it blocked again by the heavy, wet and sometimes laden-with-sand snow, it is very disheartening and a lot of hard, heavy work. Also, at my driveway is a fire hydrant. I try to keep access to it clear but then that high bank of plowed snow is pushed in front of it over and over again. What would happen in case of fire?

We are told to go and keep the drains clear to avoid flooding. Yeah, right! I went out Saturday morning to do just that. The drain is down at my next door neighbour’s place. He is never there, so I thought that I would clear it out. All that rain-laden snow is pushed on top, plus the high bank of snow all along the edge of the road. How is anyone, never mind a senior lady, supposed to clean that out? Water has already started to build up in my driveway and I have no way of dealing with it and it has no place to go except into my yard.

We pay taxes and the District of Mission have road crews. Let them come and clean up after themselves. I have had enough!

Maureen Harper


Mission City Record