District priorities questioned

Infrastructure problems aren't getting addressed in Hope

My comments are related to the recent letter by Hans Pietsch (Fix pot holes properly, March 20). We should listen to Hans. He has been around and around for a long time. Hans was a stock car racer. This is what I mean when I say he has been around and around.

1) Pot Holes – Why did we pave Coquihalla picnic site? There is enough pavement there to fill all the pot holes in Hope and Silver Creek.

2) Fire chief – Hope needs a fire chief to do the paper work for the insurance companies – this is a must. Do we need a full-time position for the fire chief? We could find other jobs for him to do in the community. The streets haven’t been as clean since Louis Guitterez retired. He was a street cleaner for years in Hope and wore short sleeves in the summer and winter. He cleaned the streets with nothing but a broom and shovel.

3) Sucker’s Creek Bridge – Why did we spend $1.4 million on the bridge and still make it a one-way lane? I realize it only cost Hope about $500,000 to build.

Dick Gardner,

Hope, B.C.

Hope Standard