Dix, Ralston call for ‘yes’ vote

Together with our New Democrat colleagues, we have travelled around the province and met with countless people who think the HST is an unfair tax that was poorly implemented, and must be scrapped by voting 'Yes.'

NDP leader Adrian Dix

NDP leader Adrian Dix

Editor:  It is critically important that all British Columbians are fully informed about the new deadline to submit their HST referendum ballots. We wrote to B.C.’s Chief Electoral Officer to ask for a two-week extension to the July 22 deadline because of the mail delays caused by the Canada Post lockout, and Elections B.C. agreed that an extension was necessary.

The new deadline to return HST ballots is Friday, Aug. 5 at 4:30 p.m. However, this deadline is for ballots to arrive at Elections B.C., not to simply be postmarked by then, as one might expect. For this reason, we would encourage anyone who has not yet exercised their right to participate in this important decision for the future of B.C. to do so right away.

We would also encourage people in rural communities to make use of the Service B.C. drop-off centres if possible. There are 60 locations throughout the province (www.servicebc.gov.bc.ca/locations) and dropping your ballot off reduces the risk it will not be delivered in time or get lost in the mail. It can take up to seven business days for mail to reach its destination within B.C.

(Editor’s note — Ballots can be dropped off at an Elections BC centre at Willowbrook Shopping Centre in Langley until 4:30 p.m. Friday).

Together with our New Democrat colleagues, we have travelled around the province and met with countless people who think the HST is an unfair tax that was poorly implemented, and must be scrapped by voting ‘Yes.’ When we hear of the Liberals doling out hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to their friends and insiders to help them sell the tax in a $7 million effort to save their political hides, we know British Columbians deserve better.

Adrian Dix, leader, New Democrat official opposition

Bruce Ralston, finance critic, New Democrat official opposition

Langley Times