Dix’s policies need transparency

The NDP's Adrian Dix should make policies a matter of public record

Dear editor,

I have to tip my hat to the summer interns hired by the B.C. Liberal party. Their clever, tongue-in-cheek, online search for Adrian Dix’s hidden NDP policy platform brought a smile to my face (www.dixshiddenplan.ca).

Adrian Dix’s policy document has been kept under tight wraps by the NDP ever since last summer when it was crafted in anticipation of a possible provincial election. Why the secrecy around this document? Would the mere sight of it scare business and investment out of the province and kill jobs (things the NDP excel at)?

If Adrian Dix fancies himself to be BC’s next premier, then surely the public deserves to see what his plan is. What is he afraid of? I’m sure I’m not the only British Columbian who wants to see what Mr. Dix and his NDP cohort have in store for us should the B.C. electorate suffer severe memory loss next May and decide to elect him and the NDP to government.

Christopher Law




North Island Gazette