Do it up right

Why go with cabins when other alternatives would be so much better?

I am deeply saddened by the article in Friday’s paper (The News, June 1) regarding the proposal for cabins on the Parksville beachfront and the City’s ability to recommend other options for the space,  stating their hands are tied.

Don’t get me wrong. I grew up in this town, left and migrated back here; I reside in Parksville by choice yet work in Nanaimo like many others.

I am all for new development and construction in Parksville but I think the City is making a huge mistake allowing the developer to build tourist cabins right downtown on our prized and cherished beachfront.

I do not think that the so-called cabins will be a wise long term choice. These aren’t cabins, they are unaffordable houses to most. I would rather see several high rise towers or hotels with available public space than 81 units.

At least with the high rises the foot print is smaller and you wouldn’t feel like you were in somebody’s back yard while attempting to navigate your way to a public attraction.

My question is, how is it that one developer can provide a plan for 81 units on the waterfront and the proposal meets zoning, yet another developer cannot get a rezoning application on the old Fireside/Post and Lantern property to assist the City with low income, affordable housing issues?

Don’t we have enough condos and time shares in the area? Condos by Wembley mall sit empty, Pacific Shores is in receivership, time shares at The Beach Club took a long time to sell … the list goes on.

How will 81 units on the Parksville beachfront bring long-term industry to this area allowing affordable housing and keeping the people of my generation plus future generations employed?

At least, if it was a hotel or public space there would be jobs available.

Let’s build something we can be proud of that showcases our beauty, defines who we are, provides jobs and delivers a strong industry now and for years to come. Please don’t destroy our beachfront and take away such a beautiful public space.

Thomas O’Byrne





Parksville Qualicum Beach News