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Do we now fully comprehend the extent of care home neglect in Canada?

To the Editor;

To the Editor;

What I admire most about some non-Western cultures is their general belief in and practice of not placing their aged family members in seniors care homes.

As a result, there’s no chance they will be caught in thus, left vulnerable by cost-cutting measures taken by some care-home business owners to maximize profit.

Care home neglect was present in Canada before COVID-19; however, we didn’t fully comprehend the degree until the pandemic really hit, as we horrifically discovered with the CHSLD Résidence Herron in Dorval, Quebec, about 10 months ago.

Western business culture, and by extension society, allowed the well-being of our oldest family members to be decided by corporate profit-margin measures. And our governments mostly dared not intervene, perhaps because they feared being labeled as anti-business in our avidly capitalist culture.

The buck morally and ethically has to stop with the health and lives of human beings, especially those who have little or no voice.

Frank Sterle Jr.

White Rock, B.C.



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