Do you agree with the NDP government's approval of Site C Dam?

Do you agree with the NDP government’s approval of Site C Dam?

100 Mile Free Press took to the streets to ask community members what they think

“Yes. I think it was a tough decision, but they had to make that call as they did.”

– Gaven Crites

100 Mile House

“I am, actually, partly because they invested millions and it would otherwise be wasteful. The jobs are also a big factor.”

– Joe Wilson

100 Mile House

“Yes, I agree. I’ve seen the proposed land myself. My two daughters live up in that region and own property there, and it is booming. It will be good for the economy and jobs.”

– Yvette Brown

108 Mile Ranch

“I’m unfamiliar with all the details, but if it’s destroying a lot of farmland, I’m not sure it is a good idea. We need our food producers.”

– Sheila Williams

108 Mile Ranch

100 Mile House Free Press