Do you deserve a hug or a slug?

Do you deserve a hug or a slug?

Warm weather may have brought out the best in people as hugs win another week.

HUGS: A hug, as promised, to the person who stole my bag and fanny pack from our car last Sunday. Thank you for dropping it with the heart meds intact, into a mail box and eventually back to me. You’ve confirmed my belief in consciences.

SLUGS: Big slugs to the person(s) who dumped four boxes of garbage on Granite Road by Blewett Ski Hill Road well over a month ago. Our neighbourhood is not your dumping ground. I had to call the conservation office to arrange to have it removed. — Annoyed Resident

HUGS: Hugs for the lovely, caring woman who comforted me with water and juice from the Co-op bakery after a recent fender bender on Baker. Her kindness and calming words helped a freaked out lady, just when she needed it.

HUGS: Great big hugs to the woman who topped up my $1.85 worth of gas. I made it to town thanks to you.

SLUGS: To the person who left a note in my car at the mall. While all of us who use the car think that your intention was well meaning, we also think you come off as a stalker. Stay the heck out of my car. Not looking for love in the Walmart parking lot.

HUGS: What incredible Nelson friends I have!  A big hug to each one who helped me pack, haul, sort and get all my belongings loaded into that U-Haul truck. I am looking forward to life in Victoria but will always look back on my 20 years in Nelson with a lot of affection. Muchos gracias mi amigos.

HUGS: To my friends whom have always been here for me no matter what. Your unconditional love is greatly appreciated. Lots of hugs to the people of Nelson whom have been kind and understanding.

SLUGS: Big, fat, slimy, ugly, giant slugs to the certain person or people that enjoy making others miserable and angry. Just because you are not happy with your life does not mean you should make people upset. Ah yes and please do not forget that what goes around comes around.

SLUGS: Slugs to the girl who brought her brown dog to Lakeside beach Saturday afternoon and let it run loose to take not one, but two huge dumps right in the middle of everyone while she turned around pretending to not know anything was happening then do nothing about cleaning up the stinky gross mess. Don’t bring your dog to crowded beaches if you don’t want to control it.

SLUGS: Big slugs to the company that puts out the plastic phonebook covers and sends them in the mail in yet another plastic bag. Get with the times!

HUGS: Great big warm cuddly hugs to my grandchildren for visiting me here in Nelson. I don’t get to see you as much as I should, so it’s nice to touch base once in a while. And hugs to your parents for being smart enough to visit in the summer, not the winter.

HUGS: To the weatherman, or weather gods, for providing such a nice weekend at the beach.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can alsodrop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star