Do you know a volunteer who deserves a pat on the back?

Editor: As part of the Township of Langley Volunteer Awards Recognition Team, it is our great pleasure to honour the wonderful volunteers who reside in the Township and so willingly give up their time throughout the year.

We know there are a great many people who give so generously of their time but in order to honour them, we need to know who they all are, so we’re asking your readers to put the names of these volunteers forward

From Jan. 8 through to Feb. 21, 2014, the Township of Langley will accept nominations for volunteers who reside in the Township and contribute to making our community a better place to live.

We’re writing to you in hopes that as your readers gather for year-end events or annual general meetings, they will think of volunteers they know who deserve to be honoured for their volunteer work and that they will submit these names during the nomination period.

It may take a small effort to compile the documentation needed, but when measured against all they do, there is no comparison.  We have great people here in Langley and we would love to honour them at our awards ceremony in April.

We are seeking nominations for two specific awards:

• The Eric Flowerdew Award recognizes a volunteer who promotes an active living lifestyle that enhances residents’ quality of life through creative, cultural, physical, or social pursuits; promotes traditional and non-traditional recreation activities; and enhances Langley’s community spirit.

• The John and Muriel Arnason Award is presented to a volunteer couple who advocate culture, learning, and literacy; foster partnerships and cooperative efforts; and create the potential for long-term benefits to the Langley community.

For nomination forms and information, please contact Sarah Larsh, corporate administration, at 604-533-6115 or by email at

Kari Medos and Kirsten Charlesworth

Township of Langley Awards Recognition Team

Langley Times