Doctor’s decision saddens family

Dear editor,

I am saddened by the news that Dr. Stocks will not be returning to her practice.

I would like to thank Dr. Stocks for her care over the past years for my husband George and me, especially those last seven and a half months of his life he spent in 2010 at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

Thank you for your kindness, care and attention then and over the years which was so much appreciated and will not go unremembered.

I will, and certainly sure that those who depend on you as their family doctor as we did will miss you so much too!

We wish for you and family the very best that life can bring.

Remember: we are here for you.

Remember: we are rooting for you.

Remember:  if we can help in any way, just ask. Wlth sincerest best wishes,

Patricia Callaghan and son Dr. Russ Callaghan and Family


Comox Valley Record