Does Barriere need a 120,000 sq. ft. museum?

Can Barriere really support this building when the Provincial and Federal funding runs out?

To the editor;

Just curious!

As I was reading the newspaper’s report (March 10) on the proposed new museum plans, I wondered why the committee working on these plans wouldn’t have contacted the existing Barriere Museum members and worked with them on expansion or relocation?

Do we need two museums in our little town, especially one so large as 120,000 square feet?

Also curious if the new committee members have been inside our existing museum and visited the heritage garden?

The plans, as stated in the paper sound like a fairly large endeavor.

Can Barriere really support this building when the Provincial and Federal funding runs out?

Is this something that the taxpayers of Barriere get a vote on, or another idea that gets forced on us, “for the betterment of Barriere”, since we incorporated?

Pat Sibbelee

Barriere, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal