Does Comox Valley Regional District really need corporate spokesperson?

Dear editor,

I read Scott Stanfield's article about our tax dollars at work (Record, Sept. 16) with interest.

Dear editor,

I read Scott Stanfield’s article about our tax dollars at work (Record, Sept. 16) with interest.

The comments from well-paid, local government administrators are very insightful.

I have talked with, and met a number of local government employees who work on on our behalf and they are very professional and dedicated.

It is interesting that the administrators see their roles as leaders and proponents of change. Is this not the role of of our elected representatives?

I am well aware of the accomplishments, and appreciate the work of our CVRD elected representatives Gillis, Grieve and Jolliffe, in the past three years and hope that they will continue their good work.

Their work has just begun, when we read of the need for a CVRD corporate spokesperson to speak for the CVRD CEO.

I can understand the BC Ferry Corporation employing a corporate spokesperson when the ferry corporation has done such a dismal job — sinking the Queen of the North, raising fares continuously and paying CEO a pension that equals the salary of Mr. Gray and Ms. Oakman.

We enjoy a great life in the Comox Valley, but we should be looking to the future when our grandchildren will be paying the bill. CVRD corporate spokesperson, indeed.

Phil Harrison,

Area B

Comox Valley Record