

Dog and cat owners need to be vetted

The human buyer should be vetted and found capable of care for the creature for its lifetime

To the editor,

Re: Pet store sales of dogs and cats should continue, Letters, July 20.

SPCA wants to limit pet sales. We all want this. It would be better if the pet store works with reputable breeders (licensed as such) that is by a list of type and whom to contact.

None of us has a problem with seeing puppies and kittens or other creatures in pet stores. The problem is with selling them outright.

The human buyer should be vetted and found capable of care and compassion for the creature for its lifetime. Animal rescue sites are a very good place to start, SPCA here can be very pricey for the average family that could afford a pet but not the initial fee, and some vets are over the top for services.

The times they are changing. We all need a friend; mine just happens to have lovely hair and four paws.

Joanne Parkman, Nanaimo

To the editor,

Re: Pet store sales of dogs and cats should continue, Letters, July 20.

What could have taken so long to bring in a ban? Live animals, exotic birds, snakes and turtles have no place in a store. Some animals have four homes before a first birthday. Rabbits are discarded when the novelty wears off and not always with regard for how they might die.

In an ideal world we wouldn’t need rules but until we are enlightened, bring them on.

Peggy Bodnar, Qualicum Beach

Nanaimo News Bulletin