Dog owners need to clean up after their pets

Please be considerate. Clean after your dogs and dispose of the feces properly.

Editor: Apparently, there are many dog owners who feel justified for not cleaning up after their dogs. I have put up a sign, asking owners to take their dog waste with them, but to no avail.

How would they feel if they are the mail persons and must put mail into a mailbox with feces underneath?

Or if they cut the grass and have pieces of feces flying all over?

Worst is, there are people who put the waste in a blue plastic bag, then leave the bag behind.  What good is that? I see this often, not only on my lawn, but also on the trails or in parks.

How would they feel if the same thing is done to their properties?

To those people, I beg you, please be considerate. Clean after your dogs and dispose of the feces properly. If you cannot and will not do this, please keep your dogs off other people’s properties, or let them wear dog diapers.

L. Schultz,


Langley Times