Dog ownership rules restrictive in city

Bylaws make it tough to get around with a dog and no vehicle

Why won’t the City of Victoria stop pussy-footing around and admit they’re dog-hating cat people?

There are no rules regarding cat ownership. They’re allowed to wander unsupervised all over the city. Everyone’s yard is a litter box and nobody seems to care that these critters can bolt into traffic.

But heaven forbid you own a dog.

The city hired a private team of over-zealous browbeats to maintain “control” over dog owners and their pets.

You’re not allowed to bike with your dog and apparently walking with your dog is discouraged too.

There’s a bylaw stating you’re not allowed to “park” (tie up) your dog so you can go grab a coffee or do an errand. This means dog owners must drive everywhere with their dogs.

I’m a bike-riding dog owner who does not drive.

I’ve been in touch with the mayor and city council regarding the restrictive bylaws surrounding dog ownership. I am all for dogs being controlled by their owners, but mandatory leash laws do not guarantee control.

A leash only gives the illusion of control while allowing the owner to forgo actually training their dog to listen/obey.

Just last week in Nanaimo, a dog was attacked and killed by a dog on a leash. As I’ve explained to the mayor, the issue is control. Clearly that leashed dog was not under control.

My dog was trained on a “mental” leash and for 11-plus years we’ve used words to get him to slow down, move over, stay, etc.

Dogs enhance their owner’s lives and it’s a shame the city supports bylaws that make dog ownership so unpleasant and restrictive.

Nancy Raycroft


Victoria News