Dogs prohibited at park

Although the photo of the little dog shaking off on a dock at Gardom Lake was well composed, it is actually a community park

Although  the photo of the little dog shaking off on a dock at Gardom Lake was well composed, it is actually a community park that has a No Dog  prohibition.

From every entrance to the park and beach there are well-marked signs saying No Dogs, No Horses and No Motorized Vehicles.

There have been other letters in your paper discussing irresponsible dog owners, so I need not repeat what is already obvious.

Dogs cannot read signs, so it is the owners that are the problem.

Gardom Lake is a park with a sensitive ecosystem. The Western Painted Turtle is an endangered species and the loons, ducks and geese that breed and raise their young come up on the beach to forage.

The beach, park and the docks are all maintained by a local group of neighbours called the Gardom Lake Park Committee.

This park is for families who want to enjoy nature –swimming, paddling or angling for fish off the pier. If you have a dog, leave it at home or go where there are places for dogs like Canoe Beach.

Anne Caughlan


Salmon Arm Observer