Doll has it right

I am writing to celebrate Alice’s courage and willingness to take a stand for what she believes in.


(re: Alice Doll letter, Interior News, April 18, 2012).

I am writing to celebrate Alice’s courage and willingness to take a stand for what she believes in.

She exercised a basic human right, freedom of speech, recognized in the Canadian Charter of Rights as Freedom of Expression.  and stood for what she believed in, assuming she would be respected and listened to.

That is what freedom of speech is together with laws ensuring people can state their concerns and that private agendas will not override the validity and seriousness of those concerns..

Ms. Doll is right.

This great nation and it is faced with a burdened future, based on a past and a present that we’ve all contributed to and benefitted from.

I agree the future is a responsibility to be assumed by all Canadians.

I would suggest, however, there are many different visions of the future, many different possibilities.

With great respect, I would suggest Canadians can’t expect northern B.C., inland and coastal, to bear the brunt of saving Canada.

My perspective on the Enbridge pipeline proposal is diametrically opposed to Ms. Doll’s.

But, right now, what’s most important is she feel free to state her opinion and know I will listen with openness and respect, and I can freely state my opinion, knowing she will listen with openness and respect.

I would enjoy meeting with Ms. Doll, listening to her concerns, dreams and vision for Canada, and for her to listen to mine.

My name and number are in the phone book, I would enjoy having a cup of tea or coffee together.

Patou Lehoux



Smithers Interior News