Donald Bridge Barriers

Install meridian barriers on the new Donald Bridge to increase safety.

The fact that there are no meridian barriers on the new Donald Bridge causes me great concern.

I am quite sure that it is not a case of IF there will be an accident on that bridge, but a matter of WHEN.

As soon as construction is completed, speeds coming eastbound down the hill will increase and they will come on the  “bridge surface” that is prone to being slippery, they will touch their breaks, lose control and fishtail into oncoming traffic.

This is a RISK exposure that I feel must be addressed.

The four-laning is about reducing the potential for those horrific head-on collisions, and I feel that this revamp has increased that potential, by virtue of there being no meridian barriers between the lanes of traffic.

I feel a responsibility to identify this as a safety concern for all. People need to be aware of the hazard and the risk.

I do so as a member of this community, as someone who travels that stretch of highway on a regular basis, and as someone who has responded in multiple capacities to simple collisions, fatality collisions, and miracles (that no one was killed) at the Donald Bridge in the past.

For a small cost (relative to the overall project budget of $63 million) this hazard can be GREATLY reduced. Install meridian barriers.

Ron Oszust



Golden Star