Donald Trump? Seriously?

Donald Trump is perhaps history’s richest and largest blowhard. His rhetoric should be disgusting to even the most red of the rednecks.

Donald Trump is perhaps history’s richest and largest blowhard. His rhetoric should be disgusting to even the most red of the rednecks.

The stream of insults and ignorance that pours from his mouth makes his popularity unbelievable. I know he is saying all the things that many people only think about, but in reality, trying to rule all around you with only bluff, bluster and insult with no actual workable content therein, could only lead to disruption for millions or even worse on a scale we can only imagine in our worst dreams. Diplomacy, tact and thoughtfulness must be used even when dealing with the toughest of dictators.

Just shouting from every door is not the answer.

People of the U.S.: just take a look at that face. Can you imagine having that for president? If we in Canada think it doesn’t matter to us who in the U.S. gets in, think again.

Jon PageQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News